sabato, 18 Gennaio 2025

APS | Rivista di politica internazionale

sabato, 18 Gennaio 2025

"L'imparzialità è un sogno, la probità è un dovere"

Associazione di Promozione Sociale | Rivista di politica internazionale

Il Caffè Geopolitico: Security Jam 2012

Dopo gli eventi degli ultimi giorni, ci sembra utile riproporre gli elaborati del nostro Lorenzo Nannetti per il Security Jam 2012, sul tema "Lessons from Libya".

Our analyst Lorenzo Nannetti focused on the “Libyan Spring”, leading our contribution to the Security Jam 2012 through its final report “Lessons from Libya”.

One year after the beginning of the revolts in Libya, and several months after the end of the civil war following the death of Muammar al-Gaddafi, Libya remains a question mark, but can become an interesting case study on actual dynamics of intervention – and its possible consequences – in foreign countries"

Download "Lessons From Libya"


WHAT IS THE JAM? – The Security Jam focuses the brain power of thousands of experts around the world on key security issues. Over five days participants will login to a state-of-the-art online collaboration platform to discuss topics as diverse as strategic partnerships, crisis management, cyber-security and future capabilities. Leading subject-matter experts will focus discussions on producing concrete solutions.

NOW IT’S YOUR TURN – Take this opportunity to influence leaders with your ideas. Whether you are a soldier in Afghanistan, a researcher in London or a diplomat in Sierra Leone, the quality of your ideas is all that matters. Security Jam 2012 lets you take part in frank discussions and the free exchange of ideas with colleagues worldwide, and then you can select the most innovative ideas.

MAKE A REAL IMPACT – Global leaders will receive the Jam’s initial results ahead of the NATO and G8 summits in Chicago in May 2012. EU and NATO leadership will receive the full report, including the ten most acclaimed recommendations, in Brussels later that month. The report will also be sent to thousands of high-level policymakers around the world. Take advantage of this unique opportunity; join us March 19th – 23rd 2012.

Find here further info and registration link!

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Il Caffè Geopolitico è una Associazione di Promozione Sociale. Dal 2009 parliamo di politica internazionale, per diffondere una conoscenza accessibile e aggiornata delle dinamiche geopolitiche che segnano il mondo che ci circonda.

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